Aidin halimi
- Farsi
پشت این خواب رویایست
پشت این سکوت غوغا یست
پشت این موج دریا یست
پشت دیروز فردایی ست
من خواب می بینم از بیداری
عشق می ورزم به این بیزاری
بهت زده از زشتی این زیبائی
چشم به راه اسارت در آزاد ی
در گورستان زمان
میتپد قلب بهشت
بلبلی زجه زنا ن
شعر تبعید نوشت
قاتل خنده تو
مست منبر و اذان است
قاتل رقص بزرگت
هار حیدر به دهان اس ت
زائران زندگ ی
حجله در زندان کنند
روبروی بازجو
عشق را کتمان نا کنند
راهب دیگر خدا
با وضو اعدام ش د
لشگر صاحب زمان
بی خدا گمنام شد
ای قاتلا نای جاهلا ن
ای ضاربا نای کاسبان
گناه را با خون نتوان شست
زیر چکمهها بهشت نتوان جست
قسم به این سکوت پیش از طوفان
ظالمان در خشت خام گردند عریان
کودکان کش
مادران طغیان کنند
خاوران ک ن
کودکان عصیان کنند
حرف دل کشتی
خشم قدرت می شود
دستها مشتی
خواری حرمت می شود
ای زائرا نای راهبا ن
ای شاعرا نای عاشقا ن
این دین ز دین ب یدین شده
با جنبش زن زندگی
کامم کمی شیرین شده
پشت این خواب رویایست
پشت این سکوت غوغا یست
پشت این موج دریا یست
پشت دیروز فردایی ست
من خواب می بینم از بیداری
عشق می ورزم به این بیزاری
بهت زده از زشتی این زیبائی
چشم به راه اسارت در آزاد ی
- Deutsch
Hinter diesem Schlaf versteckt sich ein Traum
Hinter diesem Schweigen ein Trubel
Hinter dieser Welle steht ein Meer
Hinter Gestern ein Morgen.
Ich träume vom Erwachen
Ich liebe die Wut gegen den Hass
Mich wundert die Schönheit der Hässlichkeit
Ich warte auf die Gefangenschaft in der Freiheit
Auf dem Friedhof der Zeit
Schlägt das Herz des Paradieses.
Eine Nachtigall schreibt schluchzend
Ein Gedicht aus dem Exil
Der Mörder deines Lachens
Ist trunken von seinem Gebet
Der Mörder deines Tanzes
Kaut den Namen des Propheten (wenn er dich angreift)
Die Pilgernden des Heiligtums des Lebens
finden ihr Ziel im Gefängnis
Dem Verhörenden gegenüber sitzend
verteidigen sie die Liebe
Die Mönche anderer Götter
werden nach islamischer Waschung hingerichtet
Die Armee Allahs
kennt ihren Gott nicht mehr
Ihr Mörder und Schläger
Die Sünden könnt ihr nicht mit Blut waschen
Unter den Stiefeln könnt ihr das Paradies nicht finden
Fürchtet die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
Die Tyrannen sehen im Spiegel der Wahrheit nackt aus
Tötest du Kinder
werden ihre Mütter aufbegehren
Tötest du die Väter
Werden ihre Kinder rebellieren
Tötest du die Gedichte
Wird aus der Wut die Kraft
Die Hände ballen sich zu Fäusten
Aus der Demütigung wird die Würde
Ihr Liebenden, ihr Pilgernden
Ihr Dichter und Mönche
Diese Religion verliert ihre Religiosität
Und die Bewegung der “Frau, Leben, Freiheit”
verzaubert den süßen Geschmack in meinem Mund
Hinter diesem Schlaf versteckt sich ein Traum
Hinter diesem Schweigen ein Trubel
Hinter dieser Welle steht ein Meer
Hinter Gestern ein Morgen.
Ich träume vom Erwachen
Ich liebe die Wut gegen den Hass
Mich wundert die Schönheit der Hässlichkeit
Ich warte auf die Gefangenschaft in der Freiheit
Nika Gradisek: Some days you breathe as the ocean
Some days you breathe as the ocean
and others as the hushed drag of air over Alps,
you harmonise quietly the promise of crisp clear nights
beyond those cliffs,
you resonate as the pause between steps,
you inhale and hold the breath of the world unfolding.
I would line up Hannibal’s elephants,
sink my teeth into the ice,
whisper into their vast, fluttering ears:
I know you don’t understand,
but the goal is not to cross,
it is to die on the way,
left by the side of the road,
just another snow-covered boulder,
so the howling of the wind waves does not end;
they lean on your shoulders for a moment,
simmer into cold foam and snowy mist,
they open their palms,
how you love them green,
and love them blue,
and most of all just love.
I rifle through the pockets of your coat
for a lighter,
so I can turn on the gas
and make coffee.
I tiptoe carefully,
as if I hadn’t woken you up
with my alarm clock,
as if coffee in bed will still be a surprise,
if only I try hard enough.
I heat up the water
and peer through the window,
how would the walls echo
if people watered them regularly
and fertilized them every now and then,
how strange it is
to see the mountains
just like that
through the window
and how strange it is that we all agree,
mountains probably echo like organ pipes.
Everything is so very leveled here,
so very bare and draughty.
A healthy amount of agoraphobia
protects me from vultures,
which reminds me,
that though my whole life
I’ve been hugged by the hills,
but that even now
everything is as it should be
because now
I’m hugged by you
and today I’ll once again steal
another pair of your socks.
My greatest goal is
to always write happy
and therefore astonishingly bad poetry,
to be late for everything a minute or two,
to not step out of the way for men
who stomp towards me down the middle of the sidewalk
like a towering wave of a sandstorm.
I gave up on the revolution
around my fifteenth birthday,
but my goal is to never stop pretending
that I haven’t,
to sit on wet benches,
to take off wet socks,
to keep forgetting my keys
and keep losing my umbrellas.
Whenever I sit in the passenger seat next to you
my goal is to never write a poem again.
Not even a happy one, not even a bad one.
Because a poem is still a kind of screaming
and all I want to do is just purr quietly
and breathe deeply
with your hand on my knee,
to wait for kisses at red lights,
to tap the roof of the car at yellow ones,
and laugh at you
when you rant about the cars in front of you
and the car behind you,
there is no space for poems here,
because we are enough.
Nika Gradisek: The Rosary of Want
You could cut open all my poems like frogs,
and none of them would smell like you,
because I don’t know how you smell.
Usually my mouth is too full of unwritten words,
to be able to take a deep breath.
I can’t prove anything,
I can’t take hold of anything,
to drag it towards me,
to take a bite into nothing,
most of my life unfolds in a language
I don’t speak.
It is all a dance,
a game of either pushing or pushing away,
the goal cannot be put into words
and usually puts on its name only after it’s under the sheets
and on the stairs,
wearing bruises,
a physical evidence that we own each other
more than we own ourselves.
Some things just stay,
like the span of your fingers holding the neck of your guitar,
never managing to hold the F chord just right,
like a nail hammered crookedly into the wall
in the middle of some night
in an impulsive redecoration effort,
like the scar on your knee you’ve had
since you were ten.
When I kiss the sweat off your forehead, I am aware that
there are kilometres in the time
and that you are not allowed to speak on the spaceship,
especially not about this,
so that the vacuum of the room does not flinch
and collapse unto itself
if we are careful enough
when we tiptoe around each other’s edges.
With phantom remains
of the tips of your fingers everywhere,
I am aware that it is better not to know
what capillaries unfold into
when they finally
succumb to gravity.
Tomorrow you will wake up into a milk blue morning,
wash your face and uproot me from in-between your teeth,
flick me into the corner of the sink,
but I forgive you today,
because life is a rosary of small deaths
and sometimes a rosary of trailing fingers
and we,
we are the freshly fallen snow,
it will never be more beautiful than it is today.
Tell me about the colours
with the names you’ve made up for them,
I want to tattoo them in-between my fingers
and onto the soles of my feet
and then forget you.
The next spring won’t awaken anything anymore,
only yield mistletoe and ivy to cover the bodies with.
We have breathed out enough fires
to recognize a burning house
when we fall asleep in it.
Maya Blau: At first Glance
- Hebrew –
למראית עיין, למראית עין ודברים מדברים.
בחיים שלי כמו במכונת הכביסה שלי אני מסתובבת יחד עם שחורה לבנה, צבעונית עדינה וסינתטית. כולם לאותה קלחת נכנסים , ערמה של כבסים. שמלום ומכנסיים ף תחתונים עם גרביים גינסים שיטיחים כולם סמרטוטיםזה יוצא נקי בסוף אבל רק למראית עיין ואף בחיים שלי כמו במוכנת הכביסה יש הרבה תוכניות , ההבדלים קטנים אך ההשלכות מהותיות תמיד אני מנסה להיות בשליטה אבל התוצאה בסוף תמיד סחיטה!
במחשב שלי כמו במחשבה שלי הכול לכאורה נראה מסודר אבל אם ממסתכלים פנימה מגלים שלא באמת כך הדבר כי ערמות של קבצים מונחים בהיגיון רנדומלי על הדסקטופ שלי, כמו אוסף שירים שנצרבתי בתשס”ו, תמונה מטיול שנתי בכיתה ו’, התזה שלי לא נגמרת באלף ואחת גרסאות קיבצי הגיגים וכמובן ….מחשבות. מחשבה שלי כמו המחשב שלי רצה כשהיא עומדת , ישנה כשהיא עובדת, נמחק לה הזיכרן והיא מתחילה להתעדכן בדיוק עכשיו, למה ? למה ? אני מנסה לכבות אותך לפעמים אין לי קליטה לפעמים יש לי קליטה , זה לא באמת בר שליטה.אפשר מרשם לאנטי וירוס בבקשה?
במקרר שלי כמו בלב שלי יש הכול מכול טוב אפשר ליצור עוגת מוס או תבשיל קארי בחלב קוקוס כל מרכיב שעולה על הדעת לכל מתכון יש גחמה משוגעת אבל במקרר שלי כמו בלבי הפועם זה רק למראית עיין הוא לא באמת שלם כי כשאני פותחת אותו מתבוננת פנימה אין לי במה לחשוק כי זה לא כדאי עכשיו, עדיף להימנע את הרי לא רוצה להיות בסוף ז/שמנה אין לי כח לקלף את הקליפות טינדר זה כמו פחמימות ריקות ובסוף גם את תהיי זאת שצריכה לנקות , את השברים. אז למה סתם לטרוח ?
אבל בבית שלי כמו בנשמה שלי תמיד יש אור, ולא משנה כמה בלאגן, צפיפות או לכלוך יש לי בחיים, במחשבה, בלב, בזמן שעובר, הנשמה מוארת. וכשאני באה הביתה מדליקה את האור יושבת במרפסת נפשי, ירושלמית לכיוון מזרח שם השמש כל יום תזרח. במרפסת שלי כמו בנפש, יש שבשבת עם כל משב רוח הררי צלול וקריר נפשי משובבת. הנפש כמו המרפסת משקיפה אל האופק צופה אל העתיד, מבינה שהדרך אל האופק כמו הדרך אל האושר לא ברורה תמיד. אף כלל אין דרך אל האושר, כפי שאין דרך אל האופק. זו רק נקודת מבט. מהמרפסת בירושלים , כיוון מזרח, שבת.
- English –
At first glance, things may seem different than they really are
in my washing machine like my life, I go around with black, white, colorful, and synthetic. Everyone enters the same bin, like a pile of laundry. Shirts, pants, underwear with socks, jeans, and t-shirts, all tangled up together. In the end, it comes out clean, but only at first glance.
In my life, like in my washing machine, there are many “plans”, the differences are small, but the consequences are significant. I always try to be in control, but the result is always squeezing!
On my computer, like in my mind, everything seems to be in order. But if you look inside, you discover that it’s not really the case. Piles of files are arranged randomly on my desktop, like a playlist from 2006, a picture from my 6th-grade class trip, my never-ending resume with 101 versions, GIF files, and of course… thoughts! My mind, like my computer, runs when it stands, sleeps when it works, has limited memory, and it’s starting an update right now. Why? Why? I’m trying to turn you off! Sometimes I do have a connection, sometimes I don’t have reception, I’ts not predictable and I can’t get this under control. Can you prescribe an anti-virus, please?
In my fridge, like in my heart, at first glance, I have it all. I can make a mousse cake or a curry dish. Any ingredient that comes to mind, every recipe has crazy potential.
But in my fridge, like in my heart this time, it’s just at first glance. Because when I open it and look inside, I have nothing to crave for. Because this is not worth it right now, it’s better to avoid it. After all, I don’t want to be in slat, I mean fat…”
I don’t have the energy to peel the shells, Tinder is like empty calories, and in the end, you’ll be the one who has to clean up the pieces. So why bother?
But in my home, like in my soul, there is always light. No matter how much mess, density, or dirt I have in my life, my thought, heart, my soul is illuminated. And when I come home, I turn on the light. My soul sits on the balcony, facing east, where the sun rises every day. On my balcony, like my soul, with every mountain air cool and crisp, my restless soul becomes calm. The soul, like the balcony, gazes towards the horizon, looking towards the future, understanding that the way to the horizon, like the way to happiness, is not always clear. But maybe there is no way to happiness as there is no way to the horizon. It’s just a point of view. From my balcony in Jerusalem, direction east, Sabbath.
Matic Acko: Geometry of Life
Geometry of life
It’s as fragile as the long-stem flowers
by the pond
and we call it life.
It is constructed out of numerous
thin pyramids and cubes
and other frame structures;
the vast emptiness in between their frames
like the emptiness of an atom,
a space,
in which we cram our memories
and moments of insufficiency
and the morning fog.
We glue these frames together
using sticky bits of back street trash,
polish them
with the dirt of grandma’s attic.
We bridge the gaps
and level the slight inclinations
by jamming dusty souvenirs in to the gaps.
We repair the cracked wires with
unused condoms and knotted ribbons
that once belonged
to our ex-lovers.
It’s as fragile as the long-stem flowers
in rain… or hail.
Comes hail of fists
or stones
or bullets
or bombs.
Or departures.
Or a hail of words. Or lack of words.
It is fragile,
but incredibly complex
with its thin golden frames
that might get rusty, when it rains.
So every now and then we polish this rust
off of them
and we spit it out,
flush it down the toilet.
Life dances in the wind
like the long-stem flowers by the pond –
rooted into the ground,
yet still ever floating
their tiny blossom
through the air.
The emptiness gets scary
and the frames get confusing;
it’s hard to tell which way is up sometimes
or what the lowest point is
or if the maps of light mean
anything at all.
The equations calculating its volume
are far too complex
for us to conceive
and the time variable
can make it look dark
or neon-bright,
small or monumental,
but nothing makes its golden frames
as beautiful
as the unusual glow
of the purple minutes
between the day
and the night.
Matic Acko: Diplomacy
This is the countdown rhythm!
Israel and Palestine
aren’t talking to each other.
This has been going on for far too long;
they will NEVER settle on who gets the bigger room
and they keep weaving plastic guns
at each other.
Only that the fight isn’t fair,
because one has significantly
bigger guns.
Only that they’re not plastic
and real people are dying.
And America doesn’t talk to Afghanistan
And China doesn’t talk to Taiwan
and Slovenia argues on Twitter
with just about everybody.
Our different gods don’t talk, either,
and people were made in their image.
The unvaccinated aren’t talking
to the vaccinated,
the left aren’t talking to the right,
the ignorant aren’t talking to the educated.
Parents aren’t talking to their children
who carry semi-automatic rifles in their school bags.
Dad doesn’t talk to mom,
mom doesn’t talk to him,
mom only talks to herself.
Each on their own side
gulping our words whole
Each on their own side
each behind their own Wailing wall
and our tectonic faults are growing;
The industry doesn’t talk to the environment
The economy doesn’t talk to our health
and politicians in power
aren’t talking to us.
Is it so strange, then
that the two of us aren’t talking?
We choose silence
as if tectonic movements could be stopped
by editing a paper map.
Your silence has mass
and it’s crushing me.
I can’t get to the other side of your
Wailing wall.
Verses fall apart in my mouth
and you will never know of all the words
that have fallen victim to this silence!
Fallen victim to Israeli violence!
WHY don’t we talk to each other?
We all have our own Palestinian questions right at home!
We all have our diplomatic failures!
We suffer from teenager syndrome
and our egos are childishly vengeful.
We will all fall into this
tectonic fault
if we don’t start T-A-L-K-I-N-G.
This is the countdown rhythm.
Hang on, Palestine!
Hang on, my sweetest girl!
I love you…
Yuri Miki: Comedy
Say that I
exposed to the world the place where my vagina leads,
in the garden tiny flowers bloom and
no one that spring would forgive me
Such an oath may never have existed but its trace sure does
you are sewn in closed and
I used last month’s paycheck to buy you some decorations
When I die my mysterious death and they do the autopsy
will there be any remorse or pity, I wonder,
and will my skull be pure white?
when the severing’s done, and the hacksaw is placed on its silver stand
will that sound be warm and moist?
And the not-quite cinematic
birdseye view of the room devoid of meaning
suggesting bullshit
The vibration––it was me
Whenever I touch the saddest of places,
what feels best is that kind of masturbation you just smile through
Do that some multiple of ten-thousand times and
after the hundreds of midnights or middays spent
taking meticulous care to avoid touching each other during sex
in this nothing-left-of-a-body, I
slurp ultra-spicy ramen with you, almost choking,
we stand side-by-side
We know nothing, but
We exchange looks that say We Know It All
or We Know at Least a Little Bit
My endlessly stretching tongue is so pale,
look how pale it is––
I didn’t have it, so I wanted it.
I never learned how to make appropriate faces.
I could have made appropriate faces.
I had it, so I didn’t want it.
A torrent of impeccable greetings.
I cannot love just one certain someone.
People so cute they ooze guilt
when they secretly face the hole and scream––
The Earth spins. There’s only one.
Nothing to regret and do over.
It may be improper, but go ahead and laugh.
Afterward, it rained,
and everyone clucked their judgy tongues.
Yuri Miki: Fairy Tale
“Fairy Tale”
For a girl who liked cold, sweet stuff,
Who threw it all away and, with only brand new trappings,
Set off on a journey to a faraway town,
¥200,000 and
Her freshly-bought pair of blue suede shoes and
Incorrigible language were necessities
A long, long time ago,
In a small town
smelling of toluene
and machine oil sobbing
I once gave birth there,
She told me.
Ice coffee pours right of that silver thing there
In the café in Kokubunji, with its artsy, college student vibe,
Humans capable of silent rage,
Watch dreams
In the tobacco smoke,
Drifting ceaselessly, ceaselessy.
Like the dead.
Filled as it is with one absurdity after the next,
I love this town
Extraordinary things washed out to sea,
Someone dies in a metal barrel,
Hits me from behind as I rush down the road home.
Filled as it is with one absurdity after the next,
I love this town.
You can buy cold, sweet stuff in any store,
No matter which color, which flavor I choose,
No one pays it any mind,
It makes me so happy that
I’m crying.
As though we’re being blown far away,
Aiming to ascend to
Some high place, some high, high place,
Touching the atmospheric layers,
Then just like that, plummet upside-down,
And someday surely die.
This is a prophecy of blessings,
But the right words won’t come,
A choking sensation in my throat,
In reality,
Time is torn up
And scattered on the wind
Woman, is, heavy, like you
Woman, is, heavy, like me
I loved that high-pitched voice.
That treasure of an orange bag.
Working part-time at the used book shop.
Such long hair back then.
I could never be nice to the boy I liked.
I was always in a pissy mood.
Gathering nice smelling fragrances
Back then, I wonder, was my hair really that long?
Sweep it away
Into the distance
What extends
Is not an arm
So long it grows tangled
Rapunzel’s hair
I loved that high voice,
Oh, how I loved it
I could live on that alone, yet
Into this may-or-may-not-exist world,
We go flying away
To the very end, I never understood you: A fairy tale
Yuri Miki: Anal Fuck Suburbian
“Anal Fuck Suburban”
In my dream there stands a nondescript building
called the Anal Fuck Suburban apartments.
It’s been appearing for somewhere around two years now
A Vespa parked on the street outside, the building made of wood.
that building seemingly predestined to end up burning down,
as a prank, I stick a dessert fork in it,
put it in a grinder and such
As the image comes, ultimately the cause of the fire isn’t a half-extinguished cigarette
but a massive propane explosion that wipes out even the swallows in the sky.
After all, this is Anal Fuck Suburban.
Walk over to Chitose-Funabashi area
People are vomiting vigorously
The instant they meet, the embrace each other
Grinding their rib bones together—
Because the place is perfect for that.
After all, this is Anal Fuck Suburban.
Walking on, to TOKYO.
Wanna have a smoke
Duck into a pachinko casino, not giving a fuck
Warp into another dimension, a rotten spirit world.
So I feel no guilt in spitting on the floor
You can go fuck yourselves
I pretend I’m hawking headphones
And smear peanut butter all over your fucking guitar
What exists so as to encompass all such connotations:
The Anal Fuck Suburban,
house of our salvation
In the shadow of the pillar: a drum and flute band
Always playing some kind of march.
Playing around, I bust a handstand
But no one’s watching
Completely dead, Anal Fuck Suburban.
Don’t need your damn hymns—
It’s your voice I want.
Ignacio Perini
Standing in front of the sink in a bar bathroom I wonder why I wash my hands after I pee and not before. My hands were dirty, my penis was clean (I took a shower in the morning and put on a new pair of underwear). Now I dirtied my penis and, on top of that, I have to wash my hands just because people are disgusted by the idea of suffering “passive dick syndrome”. They don’t mind being touched by hands full of microbes from public transportation, door handles… but God forbid they get touched by a hand that touched a penis.
I finally wash my hands. By now, it’s been already about 5 minutes and the person waiting outside definitely thinks I’m taking a shit. And it’s not that it bothers me that he pictures me shitting, it’s just the fact that it’s not true; my problem is not one of aesthetics but ethics.
When I turn to dry my hands, I notice that instead of an “analog” paper dispenser, there is one that -as I read on its front- works with a sensor that gets activated when you place your hands in front of it. I do so. Nothing happens. Maybe the sensor is not where I think it is. I move my hands to another spot. Nothing happens. I start to get a little nervous. I move my hands around the device. I stop for a second and think to myself “I’m giving reiki to a paper dispenser”. Not even Isaac Asimov thought of this one. Robots will rule the earth and we will give them alternative therapies. Or worse, strange sexual practices. This one will be called “wet reiki”. “Yes, human, activate me; make me throw all the paper over your hands.”
This is what I find extraordinary about life: as Rick and Morty taught us so well, there are infinite universes with infinite alternate realities, and I am certain in my heart that this one we live in is the only one in which the answer to the phrase “we should create a paper dispenser that is motion-sensor activated” was “sounds like a great idea to me”.
By now, about 10 minutes have passed and the person on the other side of the door who previously thought I was taking a shit must now be thinking that I managed to seduce some girl at the bar and we’re having sex. Or worse, that we’re having some sort of weird threesome with a perverted paper dispenser. How much can you lie to a person you don’t know without even speaking to them? But even more: how many paper towels are we using as humanity that someone felt the need to regulate their supply in public bathrooms? What’s next, the complete disappearance of toilet paper? And if we as a society decide that we are against the existence of paper with shit all over it, shouldn’t we start by stopping printing bibles?
The person outside bangs on the door and in my head, it sounds like medieval siege weapons trying to break down the gates of my fortress. To go out now with wet hands is to accept defeat. Who spends 15 minutes in the bathroom but doesn’t do it in time to dry his hands? A subnormal, that’s who. It would even be preferable to dry my hands on my T-shirt and pretend not to have had any problems than to come across as a moron who doesn’t know how to use a sensor-activated paper dispenser. But I’ve already lied so many times to this person I don’t even know that I owe him at least this much truth.
I open the door as one who opens his soul. A mixture of sincerity and dejection. I look the man in the eyes and give him a sad half smile. My hands cry over the floor tiles. He looks at me, looks at my wet hands, my guilty hands, my “I’m not good enough for this world” hands, pauses and finally says “I’m here to fix the paper dispenser”.
Nico Moser
Mei Großvoder hod scho imma gsogt, wer midn Radl fohrt, der geht ned zfuas
Weit zweng, zweng Weit, zweng Zeit, Gangfight, bled bleibn, Mensch sein
Bled bleibn:
Waun so wie ihr sats gscheid is, wer wü daun nu gscheit sei?
Ihr fordats imma mehr Freiheit oba schränkts eich soba imma mehr ei
Ihr keifets wos vo Gleichberechtigung oba unterdrückts jeden der ned eicha Meinung is
I bin a gscherda Prolet und a hirngschissena Hintawödler oba ihr sats da Beweis, dass sie gscheid sei und foisch liegn niemois ausschliast
In ana Zeit in der jeda des sei kau wos a wü und jede Meinung zöht, is jede Meinung vakehrt de nur a bissl aundas is
Waun so wie ihr sats gscheid is, daun wü i bitte fir imma bled bleibn
Weit zweng, zweng Weit, zweng Zeit, Gangfight, bled bleibn, Mensch sein
Griaß di! A des is oiso dei neicha Hawara? Wie, er is a Kiwara, wie denn des, de Lauch wiegt doch mit nosse Hor grod moi 5 Kilo
Und fir den host du uns aufgebn? Aso, der Habschi is a Itaka und er fohrt an Mercedes, is eh klor, er is frisst nur Greazeig und sauft nix, na des passt, er singt da jeden Obend liebesliada auf seina Akkustikgitarr und in da Mittogspause schreibt da dir kurze Sprüchal mit Herz, jojo
Und fir so an host mi valossn? Sog ameu wüsst du mi pflaunzen?
I man i bin a ka Hauptgewinn oba schaumst di du ned waun du mid dem gsegn wirst, i man er is im Grunde wie a Lamborgini und i vü mehr wie a Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer, ned sche oba dafir sinnvoi
Weit zweng, zweng Weit, zweng Zeit, Gangfight, bled bleibn, Mensch sein
Zweng Weit:
Zweng weit gsprunga im Turnunterricht und deshoib imma ausglocht wordn
A wengi ruhig und aundas und deshoib imma vo eich ausglocht wordn
Blad, schüchtern, potschad, unsportlich und deshoib imma ausglocht wordn
I hob des Packl imma nu zum trogen weils ihr mi ausgschlossen, zaumghaut und ausglocht hobts
I kann imma nu ned Sport mochen weil i imma nu de paraneua hob das mi olle auslochen nur weils ihr gschissenen Wappler des gmocht hobts wie i im Turnunterricht den scheiß Boi zu schoch und zweng weit gworfen hob
Weit zweng, zweng Weit, zweng Zeit, Gangfight, bled bleibn, Mensch sein
Mensch sein:
I wü so gern der Mensch sei, von dem du mir imma dazöht host
I wü so gern der Mensch sei, von dem du de Aundan verzöhst er is da liabsta
I wü so gern der Mensch sei, den du in deina Insta Story mit an Herzal erwähnst
I wü so gern der Mensch sei, der die zum lachen bringt und der die in de Arm nimmt wauns blearst
I würd so gern der Mensch sei, der die niemois foin lost und der die nie entteischt
Oda kurz gsogt, i wü so gern der Mensch für di sei, der du für mi bist
Weit zweng, zweng Weit, zweng Zeit, Gangfight, bled bleibn, Mensch sein
Zweng Zeit:
I hob nie wertgeschätzt wie wertvoi der Zeit mit di wor, i man i hob eh doch des geht für imma und i hob nu gnuag Zeit, hät i gwusst wie weng Zeit wir nu hobn hät i di im Krankenhaus besucht anstott das i mit irgendwöche depadn Leid de nie echte Freind worn mei Zeit verschwendt
I man hät i gwusst das wir vü zweng Zeit hobn, hät i okobn waunst mi angruafn host, weil du woits mir sicha nu so vü sogn, du woitats nur mid mir redn oba i woit jo stottdessen liaba irgendwöche gschissenen Computerspiele spün
I hob docht wir hobn ewig Zeit, oba ewig Zeit is woi zweng, denn da kam der Anruf aus dem Krankenhaus, ich werde diesen Moment nie mehr vergessen, als Mama mich mit Tränen in den Augen ansah und sagte: „da Papa is tot“
Weit zweng, zweng Weit, zweng Zeit, Gangfight, bled bleibn, Mensch sein
Mei Voder hod scho imma gsogt, es is wias is, es ist wie es ist!